Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jokelopedia The Biggest Best Silliest Dumbest Joke Book Ever

Jokelopedia: The Biggest, Best, Silliest, Dumbest Joke Book Ever

Jokelopedia: The Biggest, Best, Silliest, Dumbest Joke Book Ever...Take it away! 'Jokelopedia' is the mother of all joke books--an all-encompassing, gut-busting collection of more than 1,700 jokes for every occasion. 59 elephant jokes, including 'Why are elephants banned from pblic swimming pools They always drop their trunks.' Dozens of knock-knock jokes, like 'Knock, knock./ Who's there?/Raven./Raven who?/Raven lunatic who wants to knock your door down!' Plus teacher jokes, food jokes, gross jokes, and why-did-the-chicken-cross-the-road jokes. And a whole section of tongue twisters, specializing in the yucky. Try saying 'sneaking in my creaky squeaky reeking sneakers.... Click here or on the image for details

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